Introduction The emerging era of advanced technology has not only changed the societal structure but has also aided the criminal justice system significantly. Crime fighters use […]
Open justice is an integral legal principle that nurtures transparency, accountability, and public accessibility. It enables citizens to experience court hearings, obtain court records, and access […]
90 seconds and another person is locked behind bars in the United States, amounting to almost 420,000 per year. The U.S. has the highest incarceration rate […]
Final Tax Regime The roots of Final Tax Regime (the “FTR”) can essentially be traced to the lack of effectiveness in the collection of the net-income […]
‘Free testing for COVID-19 shall be available to person eligible…, and any other category of economically weaker sections of the society as notified by the Government […]
Today almost every country in the world is united on the front that Tech giants, like Facebook and Amazon, should be regulated. However, the bigger issue, […]