“The importance of a thing is determined not by its worth but by its general pervasiveness at one time.” The Fundamental Rights have been granted to […]
Thomas Reed Powell was known for his advice to his first-year students at Harvard Law School, to not read the Constitution because it would only confuse […]
Abstract The Article goes through various constitutional provisions to firstly define the term “Service of Pakistan”, and then to establish whether or not the “Service […]
Following the partition of Indian Subcontinent in 1947, Pakistan continued to make use of most of the laws it inherited by the British Raj(Crown rule). Instead […]
The word ‘clinical education’ has a deceptive impression. Many would think that it is something that is only done in the field of medicine. This is […]
Pakistan came into being on the premise of the Pakistan Movement’s ‘Two Nation theory’, according to which Muslims were to be granted a separate nation. […]
Pakistan sits on one of the world’s busiest drug trafficking corridors, largely due to the cultivation of Opium, Poppy and Cannabis in Afghanistan. After being credited […]